The HyUnder consortium comprises 12 leading organizations from 6 different European countries (Germany, Spain, France, Romania, the Netherlands and the UK), including large companies, small medium enterprises and research institutes. This variety ensures that all the fundamental competencies are available to carry out the project, including: geology of underground formations suitable for gas storage and below ground technology, underground storage engineering along with above ground process technology. Other important competencies with a specific focus on hydrogen are also included, such as electrolysis, hydrogen use for wind energy load balancing, hydrogen rich gas mixtures and hydrogen use in transport.
Supporting Partners will be asked to play an active role in the development of the communication and the dissemination strategy of the project as well. Thanks to their contribution greater knowledge spreadingwill be allowed throughout the study roll-out inside their own organizations and in their existing external communication networks.

The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon is a private non profit organization very active in the domain of Hydrogen and FCH JU project promoting. Located in Spain, the foundation performs R&D as well as consultancy projects.

Centre of Excellence of Low Carbon and Fuel Cell Technologies (CENEX) is the UK’s national centre of excellence for low carbon and fuel cell technologies. Cenex runs programmes and projects and conducts strategic technomarket consultancy projects for a range of public and private sector organisations.

Leader in research, development and innovation, the Commissariat ? l’?nergie atomique et aux energies alternatives (CEA) mission has two main objectives: to become the leading technological research organization in Europe and to ensure that the nuclear deterrent remains effective in the future.

DEEP Underground Engineering is an independent engineering company working in the field of subsurface technology for the underground storage of gases and liquid. The company main activities are the provision of services in connection with the planning, construction, and operation of salt caverns and pore-space storage.

The Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) is a leading European institute for energy, environmental research and policy advice. ECN conducts technology and policy research to find solutions to meet social needs for energy sustainable services.

E.ON Gas Storage is responsible for the construction and operation of underground gas storage within the E.ON Group. The company pools decades of experience and competence in gas storages and is providing storage capacity throughout Europe.

Hinicio is a strategy consulting firm focused on sustainable energy, covering renewable energy technologies, fuel cells and hydrogen, smart energy storage, energy efficiency and clean transport technologies. Hinicio is built with a multinational team of engineers, economists, environmentalists and policy experts in sustainable energy, active in Europe and Latin America.The company is headquartered in Brussels.

LBST is a strategy and technology consultant for sustainable energy and transport concepts supporting industry, politics and non-governmental organizations since 1982. The company has over 20 years of experience in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells and provides support to the private and public sectors.

KBB Underground Technologies is one of the leading engineering firms in the field of bulk storage of gases and liquids in geological formations. Based in Germany, KBB UT provides all services from planning, permitting, engineering and construction to operation of underground storages.

National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Centre from Romania is part of National Research and Development Institute for Cryogenics and Isotopic Technologies. The centre is mandated with the task to develop and implement projects on new technologies related to hydrogen.

Shell Global Solutions International B.V. forms part of the Projects & Technology Group in Shell. The company manages delivery of Shell’s major projects and drives the research and innovation to create technology solutions.

Solvay is an international chemical Group committed to sustainable development with a clear focus on innovation and operational excellence. It offers a broad range of products, such as consumer goods, construction, automotive, energy, water and environment, and electronics. Based in Brussels, it employs about 29,000 people in 55 countries.